Ein ganz großer Demokrat

"Wir sind die Verfechter der Demokratie."

Wessen Worte sind das?

A. Joseph Goebbels

B. Gregor Gysi

/// gehört wird: LACROSSE, Who Will Bring Us Togehter? ///
TULRC (Gast) - 25. Jan, 15:02


da haste dich meiner meinung nach aber massiv im ton vergriffen...
jetzt ohne beide systeme (NS/DDR) vergleichen zu wollen, aber ein wenig hinkt der vergleich doch, mein lieber...

Achtundneunzig - 25. Jan, 15:53

Wo habe ich verglichen?
TULRC (Gast) - 25. Jan, 17:13

ich sagte, dass man nicht den vergleich der beiden systeme anstellen muß und sich en detail damit beschäftigen brauch, um sich zu wundern, dass die beiden in einem rätsel auftauchen.
dass "der vergleich hinkt" war eine unpräzise formulierung...hätte ich mir ja denken können, dass du das bemängelst.
aber : eigentlich weißt du was ich meine!

die wisse scho was mir meine...darmstadt 89
Achtundneunzig - 25. Jan, 17:53

Das stimmt, das hättest Du Dir denken können =).

Aber im Ernst:

Goebbels wollte der NSDAP an die Macht verhelfen, um dann die demokratische Grundordnung außer Kraft zu setzen, folglich die Demokratie unterwandern. Was der NSDAP, u.a. "dank" ihm, leider gelungen ist.

Und Gysi? Auf seine Spitzel-Informationen, war der Staatssicherheitsdienst der DDR, so zumindest der BT-Untersuchungsausschuss, "zur Vorbereitung seiner Zersetzungsstrategien dringend angewiesen". Und welcher Mittel sich das MfS bedient hat (Stichwort Folter), weißt Du genauso gut wie ich. Dass sich dieser Mensch damit rühmt, für eine Demokratie einzustehen, finde ich - nennen wir es schäbig.
Merve (Gast) - 18. Okt, 08:39

Das klingt so als he

Das klingt so als he4ttet ihr Spadf gehbat!Ich hab auch so einiges von Olave St.Clair erze4hlt bekommen Viele liebe Grfcdfe,cova

This is what we need

This is what we need - an insight to make everyone think

The accident of find

The accident of finding this post has brightened my day

Was totally stuck un

Was totally stuck until I read this, now back up and running.

It's great to find s

It's great to find someone so on the ball

Hey, you're the goto

Hey, you're the goto expert. Thanks for hanging out here.

Not bad at all fella

Not bad at all fellas and gallas. Thanks.

Haha, shouldn't you

Haha, shouldn't you be charging for that kind of knowledge?!

Wow, this is in ever

Wow, this is in every respect what I needed to know.

Ah, i see. Well that

Ah, i see. Well that's not too tricky at all!"

You make things so c

You make things so clear. Thanks for taking the time!

What liberating know

What liberating knowledge. Give me liberty or give me death.

That saves me. Thank

That saves me. Thanks for being so sensible!

That's really thinki

That's really thinking out of the box. Thanks!

I'm really into it,

I'm really into it, thanks for this great stuff!

Gee willikers, that'

Gee willikers, that's such a great post!

The answer of an exp

The answer of an expert. Good to hear from you.

The honesty of your

The honesty of your posting shines through

You really found a w

You really found a way to make this whole process easier.

Holy shiznit, this i

Holy shiznit, this is so cool thank you.

Hallelujah! I needed

Hallelujah! I needed this-you're my savior.

Holy shiznit, this i

Holy shiznit, this is so cool thank you.

I told my kids we'd

I told my kids we'd play after I found what I needed. Damnit.

It's great to read s

It's great to read something that's both enjoyable and provides pragmatisdc solutions.

It's a joy to find s

It's a joy to find someone who can think like that

Was totally stuck un

Was totally stuck until I read this, now back up and running.

Whoever edits and pu

Whoever edits and publishes these articles really knows what they're doing.

Reading posts like t

Reading posts like this make surfing such a pleasure

Free knowledge like

Free knowledge like this doesn't just help, it promote democracy. Thank you.

It's imperative that

It's imperative that more people make this exact point.

That's an astute ans

That's an astute answer to a tricky question

Holy concise data ba

Holy concise data batman. Lol!

Great stuff, you hel

Great stuff, you helped me out so much!

Thanks for introduci

Thanks for introducing a little rationality into this debate.

It was dark when I w

It was dark when I woke. This is a ray of sunshine.

You put the lime in

You put the lime in the coconut and drink the article up.

You've hit the ball

You've hit the ball out the park! Incredible!

That really captures

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I had no idea how to

I had no idea how to approach this before-now I'm locked and loaded.
auto insurance (Gast) - 30. Nov, 09:52

Good points all arou

Good points all around. Truly appreciated.

Just the type of ins

Just the type of insight we need to fire up the debate.

You're the greatest!

You're the greatest! JMHO

That's not just logi

That's not just logic. That's really sensible.

To think, I was conf

To think, I was confused a minute ago.

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I really needed to f

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Please teach the res

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Many many quality po

Many many quality points there.

The answer of an exp

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Familia (Gast) - 18. Okt, 08:35

Wer hat denn, und da

Wer hat denn, und das sollte man vor dieesm hohen Hause einmal unmissverste4ndlich aussprechen, auch die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung hatte sich in jeder Weise, das kann von niemandem bestritten werden, ohne zu verkennen, dass in Brfcssel, in London die Ansicht herrscht, die SPD-FDP-Koalition habe da, und, meine Damen und Herren, warum auch nicht?

Joselin (Gast) - 19. Okt, 00:51

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Hugo (Gast) - 19. Dez, 05:47

Sorry to see this is

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Galuh (Gast) - 21. Okt, 01:12

Leicht gesagt .<a hr

Leicht gesagt . bsheir habe ich mir in jedem Urlaub vorgenommen, genau das einmal zu tun. Aber geklappt hat es nie, hehe . aber ich bleib dran

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