Echte Rekorde und falsche Freunde

Noch eine Woche bis zum "Rekordspiel" gegen den SSV Ulm 1846. Knapp 14 000 Zuschauer möchten die Lilien mobilisieren, auch und vor allem um ein Zeichen in Stadt und Region zu setzen. Und natürlich, um wichtige Einnahme zu generieren, die eine Rücknahme des "Antrags" (persönliches Unwort des Jahres 2008) ermöglichen.

Und es tut sich einiges. Ich beschränke mich an dieser Stelle auf die Einführung des Online-Ticketings sowie die mobilen Verkaufsstände, zum Beispiel in der Innenstadt. Der neue Marketing- und Vertriebsleiter Michael Weilguny scheint sich an dieser Herkulesaufgabe nicht zu verheben (kein Wunder, kommt ja auch aus Pungscht), im Gegenteil scheint mit seiner Verpflichtung den Lilien ein Glücksgriff gelungen zu sein und auch in der Fanszene herrscht Aktivität allüberall. Aber der Heiner wäre nicht der Heiner, wenn nicht die Chance in solch einem Rekordversuch gesehen werden würde, sondern die angeblich haushohe Wahrscheinlichkeit des Scheiterns. Man hört und liest überall: "Also 14000 - des packe mer/die (da owwe) net!". Ich hoffe selbstverständlich, dass der Rekord geknackt wird, glaube auch ein kleines bißchen daran, mit Anderem kann man sich danach immer noch beschäftigen.

Wer angeblich ebenfalls mitfiebert ist Dr. Theo Zwanziger. Die Zeitung vom Ort zitiert ihn wie folgt:
"Die „Lilien“ mit ihrem „Böllenfalltor“ markieren einen traditionsreichen Standort auf der Landkarte des deutschen Fußballs. Ich begrüße es sehr, dass sich der SV Darmstadt 98 in enger Zusammenarbeit mit der Stadt, den Sponsoren und seinen zahlreichen Freunden mit Entschlossenheit und Zuversicht der bedrohlichen wirtschaftlichen Situation entgegenstellt, um das Fortbestehen des Vereins zu sichern."

Hm. Was soll man davon halten? Abgesehen davon, dass ich seit dem juristischen Kreuzzug des Präsidenten gegen den Berliner Sportjournalisten Jens Weinreich (Spendenaufruf des an den Rand seiner finanziellen Leistungsfühigkeit gedrängten Weinreich), der bislang in allen Instanzen und bei allen Gerichten erfolglos war, an dem Verstand des Herrn Zwanzigers und seiner moralischen Integrität zweifele: Seine guten Wünsche sind pure Heuchlerei.

Denn seine Worte stehen im krassen Widerspruch zu seinem Handeln. Nicht, dass der DFB durch die zweiten Mannschaften der Profivereine die Attraktivität der dritten und vierten Liga immer mehr sinken läßt, nun hat man in der Otto-Fleck-Schneise auch noch an der Geldschraube gedreht. Denn wie zum Beispiel der Kicker, der Trierische Volksfreund, die fränkische Mainpost oder auch der FC Memmingen berichten, streicht der DFB in der Saison 2009/10 den Viertligisten massivst die TV-Einnahmen zusammen: Von bislang über 160.00 Euro per Annum sinkt der Betrag pro Verein auf unter 90.000 Euro jährlich .

In diesem Zusammenhang und bei der stiefmütterlichen Behandlung des Amateurlagers durch den DFB sei es mir verziehen, wenn ich auf derlei Grußbotschaften getrost verzichten möchte.

Und zum Schluß sei noch Dominik Hechler erwähnt, Mitarbeiter der Rundschau. Er hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, zumindest im Internet ein publizisitisches Gegengewicht zu den sogenannte hessischen Profimannschaften zu schaffen.Das macht ihn schonmal sehr sympathisch. Deswegen bloggt er seit dieser Woche in seinem "Lilienblog" über den großartigsten Verein der Welt. Ganz unbescheiden rufe ich aus Berlin in die hässliche F-Stadt: Willkommen im Club, Dominik!

/// gehört wird: MOBY, Natural Blues ///
Arin (Gast) - 18. Okt, 08:09

skriver:When I origi

skriver:When I originally cotmmneed I clicked the -Notify me when new comments are added- checkbox and now every time a remark is added I get 4 emails with the same comment. Is there any approach you possibly can remove me from that service? Thanks!

Skuter (Gast) - 21. Okt, 01:12

Liebe Schwestern und

Liebe Schwestern und Brfcder, ich freue mich sehr, dass es jetzt 8 neue DharmalehrerInnen gibt!!! Ich gratuliere Euch allen! Ich freue mich, Euch weedir zu sehen im April. Eure Tante Claudia

Savan (Gast) - 21. Okt, 02:01

the original post: B

the original post: Behind the sneecs of the German national squad | adidas Group blog This entry was posted in Bez kategorii and tagged briefly-review, few-striking, good-one, [url=]heflousju[/url] [link=]ejptess[/link]

It's great to find s

It's great to find someone so on the ball

At last, someone who

At last, someone who comes to the heart of it all

Taking the overview,

Taking the overview, this post is first class

Not bad at all fella

Not bad at all fellas and gallas. Thanks.

I'm not quite sure h

I'm not quite sure how to say this; you made it extremely easy for me!

Hats off to whoever

Hats off to whoever wrote this up and posted it.

It's a joy to find s

It's a joy to find someone who can think like that

Thanks for the insig

Thanks for the insight. It brings light into the dark!

Full of salient poin

Full of salient points. Don't stop believing or writing!

We've arrived at the

We've arrived at the end of the line and I have what I need!

Luca (Gast) - 19. Dez, 06:18

I enjoy Deziree's vi

I enjoy Deziree's videos. Her cotemnms resonate with dental hygienists' daily challenges and rewards. And the humor lubricates the wheels of our dental world!However, please change Deziree's clinical attire to refect proper PPE for OSHA safety and Infection Prevention protocol. The long sleeve t-shirt under a scrub top is risky clinical attire for splatters and splashes. When the t-shirt is removed by pulling over her head, then she exposes her eyes, nose and mouth to germs on the t-shirt. Removing the long sleeve t-shirt would clean-up Deziree's act or adding a long sleeve (with knitted cuff) round or high neck clinic jacket. Deziree is popular and fun! Please ensure that she is setting a good example for all of her fans!Thank you,Jackie Dorst, RDHSafe Practices

You've captured this

You've captured this perfectly. Thanks for taking the time!

A few years ago I'd

A few years ago I'd have to pay someone for this information.

Check that off the l

Check that off the list of things I was confused about.

Chris (Gast) - 19. Dez, 05:44

Thanks so much for p

Thanks so much for providing ialividunds with an exceptionally remarkable possiblity to read critical reviews from this blog. It's usually very excellent and jam-packed with a great time for me and my office acquaintances to search your site at least 3 times in one week to read the fresh stuff you have got. And definitely, I'm also certainly happy considering the fabulous secrets you give. Some two tips in this post are completely the most suitable we have all ever had.

I was looking everyw

I was looking everywhere and this popped up like nothing!

At last, someone who

At last, someone who comes to the heart of it all

Unparalleled accurac

Unparalleled accuracy, unequivocal clarity, and undeniable importance!

Azat (Gast) - 19. Dez, 05:44

Thanks, Paul!There a

Thanks, Paul!There are two more queued up and aenthor 8 or so in the hopper. (If you've said yes and haven't gotten questions from me it's just that I'm a bit backlogged.) I am honestly having such a wonderful time learning about everyone and asking questions!! Falconers are a great group of people!Also, I'm taking suggestions for other falconers to interview .

Wow, that's a really

Wow, that's a really clever way of thinking about it!

Whoever edits and pu

Whoever edits and publishes these articles really knows what they're doing.

Ab fab my goodly man

Ab fab my goodly man.

A perfect reply! Tha

A perfect reply! Thanks for taking the trouble.

Now we know who the

Now we know who the sensible one is here. Great post!

At last! Someone who

At last! Someone who understands! Thanks for posting!

Taking the overview,

Taking the overview, this post hits the spot

If I communicated I

If I communicated I could thank you enough for this, I'd be lying.

Super jazzed about g

Super jazzed about getting that know-how.

Everyone would benef

Everyone would benefit from reading this post

God, I feel like I s

God, I feel like I should be takin notes! Great work

Extremely helpful ar

Extremely helpful article, please write more.

Why does this have t

Why does this have to be the ONLY reliable source? Oh well, gj!

A wonderful job. Sup

A wonderful job. Super helpful information.

Information is power

Information is power and now I'm a !@#$ing dictator.

Valeria (Gast) - 19. Dez, 06:22

I have worked on pae

I have worked on paeintts with lichen planus and have noted that it is not localized to the oral cavity. It has other areas of manifestation, such as the vaginal cavity. I talked with one patient who had the most success in treatment by adapting an anti-fungal diet.

Okay I'm convinced.

Okay I'm convinced. Let's put it to action.

You've really helped

You've really helped me understand the issues. Thanks.

Well macadamia nuts,

Well macadamia nuts, how about that.

You've really captur

You've really captured all the essentials in this subject area, haven't you?

Pin my tail and call

Pin my tail and call me a donkey, that really helped.

Good job making it a

Good job making it appear easy.

Great insight. Relie

Great insight. Relieved I'm on the same side as you.

What a pleasure to f

What a pleasure to find someone who identifies the issues so clearly

Hahahaha. I'm not to

Hahahaha. I'm not too bright today. Great post!

A piece of erudition

A piece of erudition unlike any other!

So much info in so f

So much info in so few words. Tolstoy could learn a lot.

It's imperative that

It's imperative that more people make this exact point.

If only there were m

If only there were more clever people like you!

That insight solves

That insight solves the problem. Thanks!

I could read a book

I could read a book about this without finding such real-world approaches!

You saved me a lot o

You saved me a lot of hassle just now.

I thank you humbly f

I thank you humbly for sharing your wisdom JJWY

I think you've just

I think you've just captured the answer perfectly

I'm not easily impre

I'm not easily impressed but you've done it with that posting.

I'm impressed you sh

I'm impressed you should think of something like that

I'm impressed. You'v

I'm impressed. You've really raised the bar with that.

That's a crackerjack

That's a crackerjack answer to an interesting question

Free knowledge like

Free knowledge like this doesn't just help, it promote democracy. Thank you.

What liberating know

What liberating knowledge. Give me liberty or give me death.

If time is money you

If time is money you've made me a wealthier woman.

Absolutely first rat

Absolutely first rate and copper-bottomed, gentlemen!

Keep on writing and

Keep on writing and chugging away!

This is just the per

This is just the perfect answer for all of us

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Cortina (Gast) - 19. Dez, 05:49

I was bummed to see

I was bummed to see the gbdooye message in my email. I am a single mom working 5-6 days a week so I didn't get to see much of you. I hope they whole show is archived. Thanks

Felt so hopeless loo

Felt so hopeless looking for answers to my questions...until now.

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